Thursday, July 5, 2018


ClearLab's New  Biocompatible  clearday™BEYOND 

★★Good circulation of oxygen, ionic, water
★★ This is implemented by ClearLab's independent Tri-Channel ™ technology

Clear Rap Silicone Hydrogel Lenses
helps the eye health of the wearer. 

Plus, these lens are similar to the molecular structure of the mucous membrane of the human body, so they reduces eye disease caused by allergic side effects.
The below article is the BEYOND article in Korean newspaper.
Klenspop translated in English for readers.
Biocompatible lens-'clearday BEYOND' is applied to tri-channel technology and are made of silicone hydrogel material. Beyond can be described with three keywords. It is Tri-Channel, Moist, Thin.The Tri-Channel technology circulates oxygen, ionic, and water to increase wetting property in the eye, so you feel like you don’t wear contact lens. Moist has a high moisture-binding AQUAGRIP technology that helps to maintain a constant wetting effect and lasts for a long time.Thin provides a clean view with the same curved surface and thin lens design.
 The Beyond is a new concept silicone hydrogel lens that minimizes eye disease with a molecular design similar to the mucous membrane of the human body and lens material. Beyond has a high-performance spherical aberration correction technology that controls the refractive index of the lens center and periphery.
This technology offers sight without any distortion as well as a wider field of view than a normal contact lens.

1 month silicone hydrogel lens wear
6 per pack 
New biocompatible silicone hydrogel lenses
Aqua Grip Technology
Aspheric design
Edge line without irritation
Tri-Channel ™ Technology
60% moisture content
 If you want to see this contact lens, please click this link

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